The Taj Is Falling

A classic example of the Media going overboard was their coverage of the Mumbai blasts during the past weeks.

Terrorism is, as the cliched line goes, a despicable thing and has to be rooted out entirely. But I see half-baked notions of protest coming from all the wrong areas, blaming the Government for security failures and demanding action from the central powers.

The Mumbai attacks have in fact exposed numerous flaws in our security system. And ignoring Intelligence reports from Russia was the least of them. Ratan Tata paid dearly for his lethargic response, or null response to security reports of hotels being targeted. The fact that ten terrorists docked at the Cuffe Parade neighbourhood with zero police resistance speaks more than we need to know about our Coastal Guard.

Now its a known fact all over the world that Pakistan manufactures almost 75% of the World's terrorists. And the Paki claim that they had absolutely nothing to do with the attack was in the lines of George Harrison claiming he had nothing to do with the Beatles. A Pakistani daily went as far as accusing India of conspiracy, and here is the link to the article.

Titled '5 Points That Destroy India's Latest Mumbai Fairytale', the guys have listed 8 credible (in their opinion) points (and we know a Paki's opinion is held in high esteem worldwide), so its a wonder that those guys can count at all. The article states that the Mumbai attack has all the makings of a Bollywood blockbuster and that its incredible how a gang of armed terrorists managed to enter Mumbai through the sea, divide into various groups, take over posh hotels dodging security systems and the coastal guard along the way, battle it out with the NSG, and all but one terrorist is killed and he confirms their identity as LeT. The article further states that had the ISI been involved, things would have been more professional, that is, the terrorists would have sailed from Dubai, Chittagong or Eden and would not have carried along ID cards in their pockets confirming their identities.

Though their points seem highly incredible, it is true that our security systems have been asleep all the while.

And what does the CM then do?? He takes Ram Gopal Varma, yes, the very same bastard who sent us to hell and back through his Aag, to the battlesite and gives him a guided tour. These two-bit politicians are not to blame, though. The ones that elected them are to blame.

I see scores and scores of 'indignant' citizens in Mumbai holding protests and doing peace marches, and I feel that they have no darn right to protest anyway. Did they elect the current Government? Did the angry middle class go vote for their leaders? How then can they expect peace in a city, which houses scoundrels like Raj and Bal Thackeray? Why should every terrorist be viewed as a goddamn muslim? Almost all terrorists are Muslims, yes, but let us first scourge out the ones that stir trouble up every single week in the name of upholding their 'culture'. The major ones strike once in a while, but the minor ones are a constant pain in the ass.

The media has exploited the story for all its worth, with their reporters in the 'field', giving out the same reports again and again even if there is nothing new to tell us. They have dubbed these attacks 26/11 too. Are we so worthless a nation that we name our film industry after the American counterpart, and also our terror attacks on theirs? Don't we have an identity? They spent a whole week showing the 'remains' of the battle, jumping about, fake tears in eyes, screening interviews with the 'indignant' 'protesting' citizens. It is a shame, but then, the media thrives on shamelessness.

Celebrities and Page-3 circles complain of lack of security from behind their bulletproof walls and police barricades. They complain of a sense of fear, when thousands walk the streets homeless and without a shelter above their heads, braving the odds stacked up against them. The attacks have been predominantly on posh high-class areas like the Taj and the Oberoi, and thats why you see so much coverage and anger this time.

The media did not harp on about the previous Train blasts or other riots with this frenzy and intensity, because for the first time, the higher circles have been targeted and affected. The Big-B's with their goatees and their Limo's have seen their hangouts trashed, and they have realised that all the money in the world can't save them in the face of mindless terrorism. And thats why you see the cogs finally moving, thats why you see the various resignations.

This Mumbai attack is no different than the ones that have shaken our country periodically, its just a matter of class. The furor generated by the general public is just a facade, there is no substance in it, and outrage shown by the cream of our society is just a simple case of peeing-in-one's-pants. All this Mumbai attack has resulted in is extra security for our politicians and the celebrities and a lot of fodder for the Media. The common man remains sadly lost in the background.

We need to eliminate the sources of tension, the land where all this springs from. We need to elect our leaders to expect security in return. Or we should just cope with the situation and mind our business.

And somebody please shut Barkha Dutt up. She's gonna get herself killed.